Water Quality

Water Quality

Clean Water

From early ages on we are used to have an abundance of water. We turn on the faucet, seemingly unlimited water comes out and magically disappears in the drain. We take it for granted. Every minute of the day. Very few experienced water shortages in the rich western industrialized countries. The supply of water and waste water system are expensive to maintain and a privilege to have. While roughly one third of the worlds population has no or limited access to clean drinking water the western civilized countries use it in a wasteful .
It is time to sit back, reflect and be thankful for having fresh, clean and safe water readily available day and night while remembering to conserve water and reduce overall consumption.

Consumption by Country in Gallons per Day
Country Consumption
USA 1,003
Germany 226
Nigeria 57
DR Congo 9
Steps you can take today to reduce the water consumption in your house. We can help you create a personal plan to reduce water consumption.

Water Consumption
in Comparison

To provide every household with clean drinking water free of contaminants requires a complicated harvesting, cleaning, filtering and distribution system. The often long distances water has to travel in pipes to its destination makes it prone to be contaminated with unwanted substances and chemicals. you do not want to have in your drinking water.
The water utility company is responsible for the water quality all the way up to the water meter which is installed at the consumer. At this point the responsibility shifts to the consumer or building contractor/ plumber. The water quality can be diminished on either side of the water meter. By choosing the right building materials and faucets the water quality can be maintained.

Contaminants in
Drinking Water

  • Chemicals
  • Pesticides
  • Drug residue
  • Bacteria
  • Metals
  • Additives
  • Minerals
  • ...and more

Identify and Minimize

Knowing the quality of your drinking water and that is is safe to use for cooking, drinking and personal hygiene is essential for a strong immune system and to prevent diseases.

It is therefore important to know where your water is coming from and how it has been treated.

We can help you how and where to find these information and more importantly what you can start doing today to improve the water quality in your house.


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